Franciz and I went malling at Glorietta last Saturday. We were astounded with what we saw inside the Bench store. Two hunky male mannequins face to face! It seems that they’re also celebrating Gay Pride with us, but we’re not so sure though. I was staring at them for about a minute, took a picture, and smile. Very overwhelming. Hehe. Happy Pride to all!
Bench Glorietta celebrates Gay Pride!
Polo Ravales & Luis Alandy in “Manay Po!”
I am Changing
For how many years now, I was really looking for a serious relationship. Yes, I was. I actually don’t know why, but I have this feeling now that I’m happy being single. Whenever I meet guys, I’m not thinking of committing myself to anyone of them anymore. They usually end up as dates, friends with benefits, or the one night only thing.
This is not me. Definitely not. The Martin I know knows how to love, and believes that there’s this someone that will be staying by his side forever no matter what. Sigh.
I am changing. I want my old self back.
Deadly Seven Pesos
Last week, I went to the gym after work, just my usual workout routine. I got so tired then so I decided to go home. I usually take Washington jeepney to Export Bank Plaza, and from there, take Mantrade jeepney to Cityland Pasong Tamo Condominium.
I waved my hand to this Washington jeepney driver for him to see that I need a ride. I sat beside him (front seat). I had my earplugs on and very busy jamming with my cellphone, that I unintentionally forgot to pay for the fare. We reached Export Bank Plaza just a few minutes after, so it’s time for me to get off the jeepney. While I was walking along Pasong Tamo floating like an air, a jeepney cut me off, not recognizing that it was the same Washington jeepney I hitched in. The jeepney stopped, so I continued crossing the street. And suddenly, he moved his jeepney towards me on purpose! I felt a painful pressure on my left foot.
Me: What is your problem?!?!?
Driver: You didn’t pay for the fare!
Me: Ok, sorry! But you don’t have to hit me just for PHP7.00!
Driver: You’re so busy with your cellphone!
Me: Here is your PHP7.00! Eat those!
I admit that it was really my fault that I forgot to pay, but I don’t deserve to die just because of PHP7.00! Argh! My left foot was suffering for three days, but it’s bearable, I can still walk normally. I was very thankful that going to the hospital wasn’t necessary. Whew!
Now I know that seven pesos can also kill.
Moved Out, Moved In
My Mom and I had a terrible fight last month. So I decided to move out from our house and moved in to my bestfriend’s place in Cityland Pasong Tamo Condominium, just a few steps away from our Alma Mater. Actually, I was really planning to move out sooner or later and experience the life of being a bachelor. But I don’t want it this way, leaving our house with such emotional baggage.
At first, I thought it would be that easy for me to adjust, but it’s not. I have sleepless nights and usually ended up crying. I miss our house and my family, especially my brother Marvin. I’ve had been sharing the room with him for years, and he is the one that I can comfortably talk with in the family regarding my sexuality, angsts, and opinions.
I’m also having a hard time coping with this self-governing life. Of course, there are things now I have to look onto… the rent, utilities, laundry, and food. At home, the food is ready and I can eat right away. And I just have to put my used clothes in the laundry basket and after a day or two, they’re in my closet again. But now, I have to cook first before I can eat, and I have to pay for laundry services every now and then.
I can really say now that life ain’t easy.
My Melted Buttercup
Many would want to know what happened to me and Buttercup. So here it is.
Buttercup and I went out for a month and a half… dinner, coffee, movie, and even drinking sessions. We really had fun being with each other. But to my disappointment, he told me that he is not ready to enter a new relationship. Moreover, we think different about relationships, life, and how the world works. So we ended up as friends, and I believe that would be better than pushing it for more since we both are enjoying each other’s company.
Well, the world is changing… who knows…
Pick Me Up Buttercup
Last March 31, 2007, It was Henry Lim’s (bar owner) birthday celebration at Government dubbed “Mother Wears Prada”. Me together with Arnold, Ferdie, Franciz, and Nephi planned to attend this big event. We were supposed to meet at McDonalds Pasong Tamo around 11:00PM. But surprisingly, I wasn’t able to get a cab, all with passengers, considering it’s already late… and heavy traffic. Gosh!
Anyway, upon waiting for an empty cab, a car pulled over before me. The window opened slowly and saw this cute guy with nice eyes and stubble hair. Let’s call him “Buttercup”.
Buttercup: Hey, are you going to Malate?
Me: Uhm, no, not really, I’ll be going to Government.
Buttercup: Oh ok. Thought we’re heading the same way and can offer you a ride.
Me: Thanks. But I’ll be out of your way…
Buttercup: Alright. Bye.
His car started to move forward. I hate it. I didn’t even get his number. Stupid me. But… I saw his car moving backwards and trying to get back where I am.
Me: Thought you’ll be going to Malate?
Buttercup: Get in…
Me: Government?
Buttercup: Yeah, I’ll drop you by there.
Me: Really? Thanks!
We went to McDonalds Pasong Tamo to fetch my friends and then he dropped us by at Government. This time, I got his number before going out of his car. Whew!
Going back to Mother’s Birthday bash, we didn’t make it inside… super mega long line! Argh! We decided to chill out at W.G. Diner, just two blocks away from Government. After a few hours, we went to Synders Malate. I was able to meet Buttercup again with his friends. But we never had moments together since we were with our own group of friends.
Anyway, after Synders, Me and my friends went to Starbucks Adriatico and had some talk about relationship and stuffs. Then we continued at Tapa King Harbor View for breakfast. Imagine, we went home at around 9:00AM already! What a long night!
The following night, Franciz and Nephi sorta organized a drinking session at my place. Franciz invited his three former officemates from PeopleSupport, and of course, I invited Buttercup too. I was so happy when he came. So we were seven then.
The PeopleSupport people decided to call it a night at around 2:00AM, leaving us four in the room. Before we catch a short nap, Buttercup and I had some moments of kissing. Hehe. He went home at 4:30AM.
After that, I seldom receive a text message from him, or will reply after like 24 hours. So I didn’t make any much effort since then. It seems he’s not that interested in me.
But last Monday, I received a message from him asking me if I like him or not. I said I really do, but I don’t think he likes me too. He said he was just busy that time, and I wasn’t asking him out either. Anyway, the conversation went on and we had set a date last night at Greenbelt 3.
We had dinner at Kitchen and went to Krocodile Grill for a shot of Kurant 7. He drove me home at around 11:30PM. We kissed before going out of his car.
I really enjoyed the night with him. Though it was not a typical guy-to-guy date (Sex after date, I mean. Haha.), I had so much fun. I’m hoping it will not end here and would want to take this to the next level.
Bear Cuddler No More
Bear Cuddler and I broke up two days ago because of different ideas and views in life. I don’t want to expound too much. But long story short, he has a lot of responsibilities to his family and he is determined to follow his sister in the United States. That makes me just the second priority. Still, I’ve tried my best to have him back, but to no avail.
He wanted to bring back the friendship we had before our second chance. But I really can’t… I won’t be able to move on if I still constantly communicate with him. I have to alienate myself first and time will tell when I can comfortably talk to him and regain our friendship.
The saddest part is he didn’t fight for our love and he can afford to lose me that easily. Sigh.
Resignation turned Promotion
Two months ago, a headhunter invited me for an interview with an Australian insurance company. They were in need of Javascript programmers. Since I know how to do Javascripting, I sent my resume through e-mail and she scheduled me for an interview.
This insurance company is only a few minutes walk from my current office. So, I secretly went out and headed to my interview… a typical piracy scenario, Hehe. Anyway, the interview proper went well and didn’t take too long. Only a span of 30 minutes, I was already back in our office.
Their offer is 60% more than my current salary. Hmmm, tempting, isn’t it? Yet, the work that I will be dealing with is not web development anymore. As far as I know, they need Javascript programmers for their in-house reporting desktop tools. No more websites, and I love web design/development so much.
The next day, I received a message from the headhunter confirming that I passed the interview, and she was asking me to go back to her client for contract signing. I was happy upon reading the message, but not quite. Anyway, I made my resignation letter right away and gave it to the IT Manager. He was convincing me not to resign, and he will try to do something with my current low rate. A few days after, he confirmed that the top management already agreed with my salary increase and promotion.
From being an HTML Programmer for two years, I am now the Project Supervisor handling two newly hired HTML programmers. I assumed the position since February 1, 2007.
So, if you want salary increase or promotion, you might want to consider this. But be sure your current employer will do counter-offer. Everything is a risk.
An Invitation: “Puppy Love”
You are all invited to party with us at Club Government!!!
Post Valentine’s Party for Young Pips!
February 15, 2007 Thursday 10PM
Just mention my name MARTIN GONZALES at the front door
to get in for FREE!!!
See you there!!!