“Aanhin mo pa ang condom kung pareho kayong bottom.”

High School Musical

I got hooked with this musical film after watching it on DVD. It got the superb songs, actors, and plot! It will be good if one of our local theater productions would be interested to stage this… like Footloose the Musical (2005) which was staged by Jay-R and Iya Villania. I just can’t wait for High School Musical 2 to be released next year!

Here are some juicy information from http://www.wikipedia.org.

High School Musical 

High School Musical is an Emmy Award-Winning Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) with choreography by Kenny Ortega, Charles Klapow, and Bonnie Story. The film tells the story of two students, Troy, who is the captain of his school’s basketball team, and Gabriella, a shy new student. Together, they try out for the lead parts in their school musical. Despite some students’ attempts to thwart their dreams, Troy and Gabriella persist and inspire others along the way.


The Party
Troy and Gabriella, without knowing each other, both go to a ‘young adults’ New Year’s Eve Party while on vacation. They both get chosen for a karaoke contest and “rock the house” with their song, “Start of Something New”. Afterwards, Troy and Gabriella introduce themselves to each other, and then part company, but not before promising to call each other later (each having the other’s number and picture on their cell phone).

The Transfer Student
Later, due to her mother’s job being transferred to Albuquerque, New Mexico, Gabriella starts school at East High, not knowing that Troy also attends that same school. Troy is also the captain of the East High Wildcats basketball team, which is coached by Mr. Bolton, Troy’s father.

Welcoming the students back from their holiday vacation, Ms. Darbus, their homeroom teacher and the drama teacher, encourages the students to sign up for the Winter Musical auditions, announcing that there would be singles auditions for the supporting roles and pairs auditions for the two leads. After class, Troy finds Gabriella after seeing her in class. It soon becomes evident that the two (and particularly Troy) both wish to sign up or, at least, hope that the other will do so first.

The Audition
However, Troy sneaks out of doing basketball practice during free period, evading both his friend Chad and his father, to go watch the auditions. Gabriella shows up for the audition as well. Though late for the auditions, the two sing a song from the musical and both get callbacks for the show.

Gabriella and Troy begin to feel the pressure that their stubborn associates place on them. As Gabriella is a super-braniac and Troy is the star basketball player, neither is considered a singer. Although moving to a new school has given Gabriella a chance to start over before anyone can label her a math geek, Troy struggles to get his dad to accept him singing in the musical.

Troy gets in trouble with his dad and his friends when he directs his attention towards the musical instead of basketball, especially since the Wildcats are gearing up for their big championship game in two weeks against their rival (West High). Similarly, the scholastic decathlon team begs Gabriella to focus on their upcoming competition.

In addition, the dynamic duo Ryan and Sharpay Evans, who have always starred in the school musicals, are furious. Sharpay and Ryan refuse to have any competition, and will do what they can to stop Troy and Gabriella from stealing ‘their’ parts in ‘their’ show.

The Callbacks
Sharpay and Ryan have just finished performing their song, “Bop To the Top” with only a few people in the audience. Ms. Darbus calls for Troy and Gabriella, but unfortunately, as they are returning from the basketball game and the scholastic decathlon, they are not there yet. Less than 20 seconds later, they arrive, but Ms. Darbus coldly informs them that they are too late. The basketball and decathlon teams follow not far behind Troy and Gabriella. Everyone who was watching the basketball game and the decathlon competition fill the auditorium to watch Troy and Gabriella. Ms. Darbus is forced to let them sing, having seen such an excellent display of ‘showbiz’ and determination from Troy, Kelsi, and Gabriella.

At first, Gabriella gets stage fright, but Troy reminds her to be who she wants to be. They perform the song “Breaking Free”, leaving the crowd, including Ms. Darbus, cheering uncontrollably. Even Troy’s dad and Gabriella’s mom watch the song and are visibly proud. Everyone realizes that Troy and Gabriella are meant to sing together.

The End
The Wildcats return to the gym, where the lights are working again, and they win the championship with a game-winning shot from Troy, giving a final game score of 68-67. While the Wildcats are celebrating, Gabriella comes in and tells Troy that her team won the decathlon. Filled with joy, Gabriella and Troy are just about to share a romantic kiss when they are interrupted by Chad, coming to give Troy the game ball. They try again but are interrupted by Taylor who was asked out by Chad.

Sharpay then comes up to Gabriella to congratulate her, telling her to “break a leg,” which scares Gabriella until Sharpay tells her that that means “good luck” in theatre lingo. Everyone realizes that people should be able to do what they’re truly passionate about, and not just stay in the stereotypes given to them by others. With this new philosophy, the whole school decides that they should support each other, singing and dancing in the final song, “We’re All in This Together.”

After the credits roll, Sharpay is seen in the gym, complimenting Zeke’s cookies, and they both move off camera as Zeke says the final movie line: “I might even bake you a crème brûlée!”


  • Zac Efron as Troy Bolton
  • Vanessa Anne Hudgens as Gabriella Montez
  • Ashley Tisdale as Sharpay Evans
  • Lucas Grabeel as Ryan Evans
  • Alyson Reed as Ms. Darbus
  • Corbin Bleu as Chad Danforth
  • Monique Coleman as Taylor McKessie
  • Olesya Rulin as Kelsi Neilsen
  • Chris Warren Jr. as Zeke Baylor
  • Bart Johnson as Coach Jack Bolton
  • Ryne Sanborn as Jason Cross
  • Socorro Herrera as Mrs. Montez
  • Joey Miyashima as Principal Dave Matsui

Main Characters

Troy Bolton
Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) is the captain of the Wildcats basketball team and his father is the coach. Troy has a magnificent voice but doesn’t know about his talent until he sings in front of a crowd at a New Years Eve with Gabriella. Later on, when Gabriella attends his school, Troy decides to try out for the school musical with her. They prepare the song Breaking Free with the composer Kelsei Nielsen, and win the roles of Minnie and Arnold.

Sharpay Evans
Sharpay Evans (Ashley Tisdale) is an egotistic girl hooked on doing anything to get what she wants. In the movie she is the most known in the school, with the nickname “Ice Queen”. Sharpay is head of the drama club and seems somewhat envious of Gabriella. At the beginning of the movie it appears that she likes Troy; however, Zeke has a crush on her, much to Sharpay’s obvious displeasure. She ends up being the understudy for Gabriella for the Winter Musical. Sharpay proudly flaunts the fact that she and her brother have starred in seventeen of the school’s productions, a position that no one has threatened except Gabriella.

Ryan Evans
Ryan Evans (Lucas Grabeel) is mostly pushed to the side to let Sharpay into the picture. Ryan is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. He can often be very ditzy at times and is the nicer of the two. In the movie, not many details about this character are revealed, but one can conclude he is extremely flamboyant. He also goes along with Sharpay’s plans, because he doesn’t really know what to do without her. It can be concluded also that, aside from Sharpay, he has no other friends and is visibly intimidated by the jock crowd. (Sharpay cuts through the group, but Ryan goes around, he avoids eye-contact with Chad, and is more upset that the ‘Jocks rule most of the student body, but if Troy makes it to the auditions, then they’ve conquered the entire student body’ than Sharpay is about them making it to the callbacks)

Chad Danforth
Chad Danforth (Corbin Bleu) is Troy’s best friend and member of the Wildcats basketball team. From the start he’s a little selfish and isn’t very supportive of the ‘singing thing’ because he wants to win the upcoming big game more then wanting to help his friend. But then he comes to see that singing is something that Troy truly enjoys and so Chad throws his support to his best friend’s audition endeavour.

Taylor McKessie
Taylor McKessie (Monique Coleman) is the leader of the school scholary/science club. She befriended Gabriella when she came to the school and convinced her to join the scholastic club. While she at first tried to stop Gabriella from singing, she eventually ended up supporting Gabriella.

Minor Characters

Ms. Darbus
Ms. Darbus (Alyson Reed) is the harsh drama teacher at East High. Her nemesis is Coach Bolton, and she will only ease up on talented singers. Her lack of knowledge for sports is prominent (she doesn’t seem to understand the difference between a basket and a touchdown). She likes to pronounce ‘musical’ with a flourish, particularly emphasising the last syllable.

Coach Bolton
Coach Bolton (Bart Johnson) is the Wildcats’ coach and Troy’s dad. He is a former champion basketball player, and, like everyone else, expects the same thing of his son. His nemesis is Ms. Darbus.

Kelsi Nielsen
Kelsi “Playmaker” Nielsen (Olesya Rulin) who receives her nickname from Troy, is the pianist for the Twinkle Town musical, and is the composer of the songs “What I’ve Been Lookin’ For” and “Breaking Free.” Kelsi is not the most confident person as noted by her reaction to Sharpay’s comment that Kelsi’s knowledge about musicals is not very large. Kelsi is different from most of her classmates in that she cares very little for the traditional high-school hierarchy (i.e., she does what she does-playing the piano and composing musicals-simply for the love of doing it, rather than to “fit in.”) It is this character trait that makes her a natural ally to Troy and Gabriella-initially their only one, in fact-as they attempt to audition for the musical, defying the stereotypes of their respective peer groups, not to mention the vehement objections of Ms. Darbus and the Evans twins. Kelsi is of great assistance to Troy and Gabriella by playing the piano for them while they practiced for the auditions. Near the end of the movie, during the Wildcats’ victory celebration in the gym, Kelsi has a stereotype-defying “Cinderella moment” of her own when-having traded her top hat and black tie for a bright red halter top and thus revealing herself to be one of the most beautiful girls in school-she triumphantly sinks a basket with the game ball, given to her by Troy as a “thank-you” for her help and support.

Zeke Baylor
Zeke (Chris Warren Jr) is a member of the Wildcats Basketball team. He is interested in baking (revealed during Stick to the Status Quo), and at the end of the movie Sharpay starts to like him for his excellent skills – and cookies .We’re not sure if it will last though.

Martha Cox
Martha has a solo in “Stick To The Status Quo” and appears in the finale. If you look closely, you can also see her in a few scenes with the scholastic decathalon team.

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21 Comments to “ High School Musical ”

  1. nice to see you blogging again.

  2. DJ

    Visit my blog @ http://jeepneydiaries.blogspot.com
    I have the HS Musical album! 🙂

    Want to exchange links? Leave a message in my tagboard 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Nice Blog layout pala… and nice pics 🙂

  3. arnold

    some “some information” huh…..halos complete na to ah…

  4. there’s a “dance-along” version of HSMusical to be shown this september on the Disney channel

  5. Hia
    I think High School Musical is aboslutley amazin it is so shan i want to perform like that you people are soo soo soo lucky…….I am having singing lessons i love singing its great pleases reply……the website what i left was my old one but hav not got another one yet love ya’s lucky ones xxxxx

  6. puto

    hola trolos como les va chotos porq


    bueno les qeria pedir q si porfavor podrian decirme los NAMES de los basqetbolistas de high sachool musical!!??
    es q me gusta uno y quiero saber com se llama! bueno mandenme los nombres a mi direccion de correo electronico please!!

  8. danielitha

    quiero el correo de xzac efron prometo no molestarslo

  9. LUCIANA: you want the names of the basketball players in the movie? sorry I don’t have that information.

    danielitha: Sorry, I don’t have the email address of zac efron…

    By the way, English only please. Thanks.

  10. Do you whis you had the names of the movie charactars?

  11. binh

    i think hight school musical have goog songs,specially “start of something new”.what do u think?i hope i’ll have a boyfriend as troy…i love actress’s voice
    oh, my name binh,i’m vietnamese,glad to meet you.wellcome to my mail…thank you xxx

  12. emma

    one of the main characters is gabriella montez- vanessa anne hudgens along with troy bolton, sharpay evans and ryan evans

  13. hola px esa peli es wenasa y me guto muxo px, me conmovio y si kieren a un chico bien sensible mi msn es lomaximo_lomejor@hotmail.com

  14. marta

    ola soi marta y me encanta high school musical adios

  15. Sabina

    Hello. Im from Sweden. I love high school musical. I think ive seen it more than 100 times 🙂 Troy and Chad are so wonderful. Anyway, have a nice evening 🙂 PUSS

  16. ashley tisdale xx

    hi every1 its ashley hear. glad u like highschool musical. we have just finished our first concert. its fun to be with vanessa and corbin. bye 4 now.

  17. pamela

    hello me faascina high school musical es super chevere ahora espero que salga la 2da peli para vermela y no perdermela
    les mando muchisimos besos
    y saludosssssssss

    ………………………..cuidense los quiero mucho

  18. martha griselda


  19. I thought that you might like to know about this free wake up call service where your kids can get a wake up call from their favorite star of high school musical either Ashley Tisdale or Corbin Bleu.

    Here is the link


  20. ryan johnson

    really how?????

  21. son lo maximo

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