About a week ago, I was so excited regarding this extravagant evening for GLBT community. Well, watching too much of Queer as Folk episodes will definitely boost up your “queerness” within. I and my partner Rodney even planned to wear some unconventional attire for a night gimmick… of course it has to be white… like a white mask. I really don’t know why I’m so pre-occupied about this event. Anyway, the plan didn’t materialize. We end up wearing white long sleeves (unbuttoned and folded sleeves) with black sleeveless undershirt. No masks or anything, just my magic concealer. Haha!

Anyway, we fetched Matt first before we all head to the party. Then we arrived. As expected, parking will be a problem. But luckily, we found a slot, though might be a long walk for us to Orosa Strip.

I commend the organizers of the party for having a really effective backup plan. As we all know, June is the start of the rainy season. In fact, it was really raining hard like around dinner time. We can call it now “Covered Orosa Strip”, like a covered court. So our fellow gays can now freely cruise, flirt, dance, and drink without any worry about the weather. But I saw a small flaw with the stage setup… that is, the stage wasn’t high enough for everyone to see. We have to go near the stage so we could see the performers. And also, I didn’t see any gay flag on the event. We are celebrating the pride, aren’t we?

White Party 2005

So we shook our booties on the floor! We even tried to invade the stage. Haha! But, I was so shocked upon seeing some boobs on the floor. Yes! Boobs! Not from a lady but from a fake one, a transvestite! Oh my! That was the first time I saw one without any upper garments. She (or he) was dancing with a discreet guy. Well, the picture might be obscene to others, but for me, it’s not. I was just like looking at any guy’s chest pumped with silicon, not with muscles. Haha!

White Party 2005

Then MiniStop comforted us with her Tropicana Twisters & Pepsi Fire. Dancing like there’s no tomorrow was so dehydrating, I swear. Alcohols were not our drink for the night. Then while enjoying gulping my Pepsi Fire, I received a text message. It was from my former flame, telling me that he can’t make it to the party with the reason that he just want to remember the last year’s White Party instead. I figured. It was the only time it came to my mind that last year’s White Party was a part of our 1st year anniversary celebration. I let my partner read his message, of course, for transparency. Then it made me think… If he’s happy with his life right now, would he ever utter such words or not? I guess not. Rodney agreed to it. I know he wants me back, but that will be the very last thing I can consider. Well, past is past. It’s hard to be the same if it caused you so much pain. And besides, I have Rodney now who holds my heart with care. And I thank God and him for that.

My best friend Francis and I didn’t have much time to spend the night because I’m with my partner and he has a company to be with also. But we both know that despite all of this, we still remain as best friends as we were in high school. Isn’t right Francis?

Looking for gate crashers? Yes, we have it. Around 4:30am, we noticed that some straight guys & gals were manipulating the stage near the DJ’s lounge. Is there such thing as “straight pride”?

The party ended around 6:00am. So breakfast time! We had it at Chowking U.N. Ave. Then after, we decided to call it a day (or night). But, it came across to my mind that maybe I can hand the car for a few minutes to Rodney. Actually, he was asking me to teach him how to drive. Though he had training with A1 Driving School, but without enough practice won’t do any better. We went to Paco Park for a Pseudo driving class. We had a number of rounds then after, I dropped him off at Taft Ave. Then I went home at around 7:30am.

White Party 2005

It’s nice to celebrate the pride with the one you love. Happy Pride to all!

* Pics courtesy of BED

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8 Comments to “ White Party: More Than Just Body Grinding And Partying ”

  1. Hi Beh!

    Twas a night of misexpectation though. I dunno whether it was because we came in late and missed most if not all the festive mood of the Pride night. Based on the pics from the archives of BED, we sure did miss a lot.

    Matt, Mart’s gym friend, pull out a question that did stir me up and we made a brief but insightful conversation about it.

    Does the White Party clause all gays? Is it tailor-made for the Malate crowd including the lousy straight hip-hop crowd of the backstreet of Orosa (Bocobo)? Is it a cut-throat competition between BED and Government or an organized event just celebrated on different locations.

    Whatever said, it still boils to one ideology. The day was made to make US proud. People Like US proud.

    Different shade, form or shape. Different beliefs, names, ideologies. United.

    Be gay. Be Proud.

  2. WTF is “Gay Pride”?! Is there such a thing as GAY PRIDE?! I’d be damned if there are any. How can you associate the word PRIDE with GAY if the so-called “gender” itself is immoral and only recognized by people stupid enough to join the “federation”.

    Gays are stupid. The state of being a gay is only your front; your mask; a wall where you hide your shit in life.

  3. IHateGays, so why you hate gays so much? Have you been harassed by one? In what way? Or maybe you’re the one who’s wearing a mask, and afraid to unleash it? As they may say in Tagalog, “Ang magnanakaw ay galit sa kapwa magnanakaw.” So, “Ang bakla ay galit sa kapwa bakla.” Am I right? If yes, I pity you. You don’t have enough courage to admit it to yourself. But if not, I pity you still. This world doesn’t need narrow-minded people like you.

  4. Rodney

    IHateGays: WTF is “Gay Pride”?!
    Rodney: Such barbarity to start up a sentence. You remind me of an imbecile whining over a debate who never falters or a retard high school dude/lass who feels he’s/she’s on top of the world when every word that comes out from him/her starts with “What the f*ck?”. Who the f*ck are you anyway?

    Now, to answer your question, Gay Pride is a yearly celebration of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community to pursue equality and instill health awareness.

    IHateGays: Is there such a thing as GAY PRIDE?! I’d be damned if there are any.
    Rodney: Yes there is. I have given you what the definition is. Yes you are very DAMNED to ETERNAL IGNORANCE. You might as well buy a cap and WEAR IT EVERYDAY and label it with DUNCE with ALL CAPS, ayt?!

    IHateGays: How can you associate the word PRIDE with GAY if the so-called “gender” itself is immoral and only recognized by people stupid enough to join the “federation”.
    Rodney: You can easily associate it. That’s very easy with semantics but the key word to GAY PRIDE is ACCEPTANCE. The way we embrace our wholicity as a person, by being recognized by the public that we as individuals are not just mere underlings but citizens of the republic who also pay taxes, work 8 hours a day, have families and do things that straight people do. That’s why we as a community grow each day because we look at each other’s back to avoid abuse from dumbasses like you who treat the LGBT community as 2nd class people of the society.

    IHateGays: Gays are stupid. The state of being a gay is only your front; your mask; a wall where you hide your shit in life.
    Rodney: Well, what do I have to say? Your words reflect your personality Mr./Ms. Your-grammar-stinks-like-that-crap-in-your-pants. If that’s your analogy to make your self-esteem go sky-high then you have all the right. You can even create a web site why you hate gays or even have that website tatooed in your forehead. For me, I feel stupid because I replied to a hate post like this. Such feeling of reluctance to reply to your post is better of not saying anything at all. Which made me write.

    Coming out is one of the steps of becoming a full-pledged gay guy. Coming out removes the masks, insecurities, paranoia and all factors why you think gay guys, and I think you’re referring to closet gay guys like yourself, wear masks.

    Just think bozo. Your father might be one of Markova’s bestfriends during WWII.

  5. I totally agre with IHateGays (except for the cursing part). If gays are really that good, then why is it that so many people and religion still don’t accept (and to some or most extent, hate) gays? I read the website that he posted and I totally agree with what’s written on there (just don’t push it if you are an atheist). The site is really objective and does validate what it says by pointing out some hard facts compared to that “queer friendly” link you’ve been “endorsing” (or for whatever reason that is).

    Just to give you the jist of the website he posted, I’m gonna post it here…


    * IT IS A SIN- well, tough luck for gays. Mabuti sana kung kayo lang ang nagkakasalan ng ganito. But the mere fact that your “disease” is contagious, it already proves the point na talagang hindi maganda ang “sinusunod” ninyong “gender” (if you can really classify it as a legit one).
    * IT IS UNNATURAL- you people the natural balance of life.
    * IT’S NONPRODUCTIVE- obvious.
    * IT’S SOCIALLY HARMFUL- kinda related to the first reason (gays are the primary “incubator” of all sorts of sexually-transmitted disease).
    * IT’S DISGUSTING- just like the reader and most of the people, this is simply an expression of personal feeling.

    MARTIN: Well, maybe IHateGays became (or sounded like) narrow-minded because he used foul words too much. And I agree a li’l bit if that is the perspective you are looking at. BUT, I can very well see that (a man, turning into a gay) shows more narrowmindedness than a (person saying gays are stupid).

    RODNEY: Why is it that I feel so much pressure reading your reply? Maybe it’s just because force yourself too sound deep and sensible while in fact you are just using a circular logic to prove your point.

    Just to prove my point a little bit, I tried to search one of the words you used (“wholicity”) in your post @ M-W.COM (Merriam-Webster Online) and found no match. Congratulations.

    And just a question, I noticed a pattern in your replies. Why are you accusing someone of being a gay if all he said was “I hate gays”? Is this one of your “bulletproof” techniques if somebody tries to assault your so-called gender? So that people will stop harassing you thinking that it might backfire? Newsflash: nobody cares.

  6. marcus

    JON MORANTE: why, oh, why do you need REASONS TO HATE GAYS? the fact that you feel a need to defend reasons to hate speaks more horribly about your character than being gay ever would about mine. and yes, i am a gay guy. if you have a problem with that, i couldn’t care less. it’s your predisposition to actively hate people you don’t even know personally that irks me to no end. gays have as much capacity to be “good” as you have to be “evil”. the world isn’t as black and white as you make it out to be.

  7. Well, it seems that you didn’t understand what I said (dahil ba sa english ito????)… sige tatagalugin ko na lang para sa’yo, @ marcus.

    Eto lang ha… inenumerate ko lang yung reasons sa site, not that it I’ve written it myself (ooopsss… english na naman. baka hindi mo naintindihan). And I tell you, mas marami pa ang horrible ang tingin sa mga baklang katulad nyo kesa sa simpleng sinabi ko.

    Alam mo, halos “truth” na sa society ang kainisan ang mga bakla na gaya mo. Pustahan pa tayo, kahit gumawa tayo ng survey ngayon sa mga naglalakad na tao sa kalye (para siguradong random) at itanong mo kung ayos lang ba kainisan ang mga bakla, baka maihi ka sa salawal sa dami ng sasagot na “OO… naiintindihan namin kung bakit ka dapat mainis”.

    Good? Wala namang nagdeny na pwede kayo gumawa ng “good” (I don’t know how you define this word)… but the question is, quantifiable ba ng sinasabi mong “good” ang “bad” na naidudulot niyo? Ang hindi niyo kasi matanggap, ang mga kalahi niyo ay isa sa mga pinakamabigat na kanser sa lipunan (give or take, equal to or less than drugs). You don’t reproduce, you gays are the primary carrier and transmitter of sexually transmitted disease, hinahawaan niyo ang iba sa mga kasalanan hatid ng kabaklaan ninyo, and basically (again), you destroy the natural balance of life.

    And yes, originally eh B & W lang ang buhay… kayo lang itong mga bakla ang nagpupumilit ng third perspective.

  8. marcus

    JON MORANTE: i never said you wrote them, my point is that you don’t need to defend them (and if you dare claim you’re not defending them, you’re a bigger hypocrite than i thought). sheesh! and i perfectly understand english, maybe it’s you who doesn’t.

    it’s people like you who stereotype gay people who are responsible for all this homophobia going around. i’m sure you don’t even know any of them personally and what kind of lives they actually lead, so don’t go judging them as if you know everything. each of them is an individual; you have no right to lump them all together and think you know everything you should about them.

    so kami ang isa sa pinakamabigat na kanser ng lipunan, according to your highly-respected and universally correct opinion? in my humble opinion, people who hate as much as you do are a much worse disease in society. wars have been started, mass killings committed, and other horrors done all because of hate, and that’s a cold, hard fact. you think we destroy the natural balance of life, but it’s people like you who could destroy all life on earth. so you who are so self-righteous, you would be better off stepping down from your high horse and discarding your holier-than-thou attitude, because your hands are no cleaner than mine.

    a least i don’t look down my nose on people, thinking that i’m “better” than them. given your high opinion of yourself, you would do well to practice a little understanding, or at the very least, tolerance, but it would seem you’re quite incapable of either.

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